New Era recognized that manufacturing a precision coater was not enough in the rapidly changing production world. To solve this problem, three types of coating systems are offered: 

Dedicated Coating Stations
  • Intended for one type of coating without the need for rapid coating changeover or make-ready
  • Right: a dedicated Meniscus Die Coater
  • Below: A dedicated three-roll Differential Offset Gravure Coater


Cartridge Coating Station
  • Intended for use with one coating method
  • Special attention to rapid changeover
  • Shown at Right: two gravure coaters with the ability to allow rapid changing of both the gravure and impression roll, as well as the coating applicator system

PIC (Modular) Coating Station
  • Allows you to install one coating method today and change that coating method at any time in the future.
  • Allows you to make the change without costly reinstallation work. And you can always keep the original coating method!
  • Allows flexibility in the coating techniques you have today and gives you the assurance that your coater will not become obsolete in the future.